
09.09.2021        Olten theaterstudio 
Bern ONO
Zürich Bühne S  
Luzern Neubad



a performance written by eventuell.

„eventuell. silence“ revolves around silence in all its various facets – around the absence of sound or noise, around (suppressed) communication or around social isolation. The human sense of hearing can neither be influenced nor switched off; our brain cannot get used to noise and prevents our concentration, complete silence without any resonance in space in turn robs us of our orientation and leaves us with a numb feeling. „eventuell. silence“ is already the third program which was conceived, composed and produced entirely by Vera Wahl and Manuela Villiger. With sensors, live electronics, video, light and performance, the music merges into a continuous work – located between concert, music theatre, political discourse and documentation. 

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-30 um 15.15.04 Kopie
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